清乾隆黃地琺瑯彩五龍碗(金地四字紅釉款) An Enamel Yellow Ground Bowl with 5 Dragons Decorated


本品五龍同現, 意義非凡, 足見其為皇家天子御用之器。


SKU: CD202401 Category: Tags: ,


侈口微撇, 深碗腹, 帶圈足, 碗口施以金彩, 通體隙地施以黃釉, 其上彩繪祥雲及五龍紋, 五龍張牙舞爪於空中盤踞, 盡顯其野性與權威氣勢。

整體色彩鮮明艷麗, 處處顯露華貴富麗之氣, 反映當時乾隆朝代是如何國力鼎盛。


本品外壁繪有彩色雲彩, 於古代人們皆認為天上彩雲是吉祥的象徵, 故稱其為“祥雲”。

而黃色尤於清代被視為最尊貴的顏色, 其地位不凡, 為皇家專用,

其餘人等一概不可使用, 否則便是僭越對皇家大不敬。

而龍紋則自古以來有著舉足輕重的含義, 是皇權的象徵, 非皇家不可使用,

本品五龍同現, 意義非凡, 足見其為皇家天子御用之器。



Yellow glaze and gold rim bowl with pastel dragon pattern, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong reign

The overall color is bright and shine, showing its luxury and richness and reflecting how the Qianlong Dynasty was at the peak of national power at that time.

The bottom of the vessel is marked with the words “Made in the Qinalong reign” in gold.

There are colorful clouds on the vessel, which are considered to be auspicious called “Xiangyun”.

And yellow is regarded as the most noble color especially in the Qing Dynasty. Its status is extraordinary and it is exclusively used by the royal family.

People should not use it, otherwise it would be regarded as arrogant and disrespectful to the royal family.

The dragon pattern has a pivotal meaning since ancient times and is a symbol of imperial power. It is exclusively used by the royal family.

The appearance of the five dragons in the vessel is of extraordinary significance, which shows that it is an instrument used by the royal emperor.


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